Pregnancy Loss Coach

For pregnancy - & birth professionals and therapists

A parent or a couple is under your professional care and guidance.

Very sadly, they experienced the loss of their child. They struggle ... emotionally and mentally ... they still do. 

These parents, your patients, your clients, are welcome in my gentle & specialist coaching and guidance for this sensitive & precarious type of loss.

Feel welcome to contact me!

The loss of a child 

is sensitive and precarious. 

You're an obstetrician-gynaecologist, an ultrasound technician, a fertility specialist, an occupational physician, a midwife, a nurse, a general practitioner, a doula, a lactation consultant, a social worker, a yoga teacher, a life coach, a fertility coach, a psychologist, a griefcounselor, a therapist or another type of professional. 

One of the important things in your work is (also) that you see parents, whom you perhaps provide care to in their journey to parenthood, for instance before, during or after pregnancy or birth. 
When they lost their child, you've made sure to help them in the best way you know you can with the experience, knowledge and time you have. 

You still worry about them though, because you see it affects their emotional and mental wellbeing. And because you can just sense that this parent, this couple, needs more than your compassionate listening ear, perhaps even needs a specific & specialised type of support. 

What should have been one of the most happy and exciting times of their life is now clouded with grief, emotional pain and the feeling of being stuck in deep sadness.

Know that the deep struggle really can come later after loss. After a few months or perhaps after a few years. Don't assume it is over because they're pregnant again.

This requires 

specific and specialised

coaching & guidance.

How would you feel if you could leave these parents in the experienced, warm and caring hands of a professional with specifically this specialisation. Perhaps to extend or complement the care you've provided them with.

You want to rest assured that these parents will be taken good care of. The loss of a child is sensitive and precarious. This requires specific and specialised coaching & guidance. Which I would love to provide them with.

What can you do? 4 things:

1. Ask questions, assess whether parents might need more after your care.

2. Share with the parents in your care.

3. Invite me in your work meeting/intervision where I'll gladly share 10 minutes of information.

4. Feel welcome to contact me at or +31638762338 or fill in the contactform below for more information.

When you yourself want to give attention to the loss of your child, know that my coaching and guidance is for you too. ♡

You want to rest assured 

that these parents 

will be taken good care of.

No matter how early the loss and how far the pregnancy was ... 

For her, for him, for them, this was already a child.

Their child.

And that's what matters. 

♡ Lindsy Marlina


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Client love







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